How do you choose keywords?

Apart from the indirect ways to make money online, there is very good opportunity to gather direct sales straight to your blog posts using direct approaches and without being the pushy marketing guy. To sell directly you need to use keywords in your titles that capture immediately what a potential buyer is searching for.

Before a buyer actually buys online they are searching for specific answers, those answers usually contain more information about a product they are about to buy and the information might be related to a promotion or review.

I myself have had huge success with converting blog posts pages into sales by using specific keywords in the titles that gain buyers interest. It is in my interest to open the eyes of many struggling bloggers who treat blogging as a business and are striving to make money online.

Before jumping in, its important you understand that the best way to make money online through this technique is to have an end product, the end product is usually an affiliate product, something you can.

The affiliate product should be:* Related to your niche* A product you have tried yourself* A product that has good commissions

Here are my top 4 keywords I use in my blog post titles


This word is great when you have a real product such as a Camera, Bike or any product you would imagine to be listed in a classified site. For example if a buyer has done all the research in the world and is ready to buy online they will clearly type in the keywords "buy nikon d7000" its very simple, so if you chase these keywords in your blog post title you will rank high very quickly for these keywords, provided they have low competition. I always recommend you use a tool like Keyword Winner to check this over.


You may have noticed many review sites or even posts that some blog write reviews about on a particular product, usually before a buyer buys they read up about reviews, to see the benefits of the product before buying. 

The trick here is reviews are meant to be a genuine review by people who have actually tested the product them self, but sometimes if you have provided with a buy link at the bottom of the review, this saves them from buying later, perhaps they love the sounds of the product by reading the review that are already ready to buy now, so its up to you to get creative with your reviews posts.

Coupon Code, Discount etc..

Sometimes the more experienced shoppers online understand that there is sometimes a discount associated with buying a product online and sometimes use the words "discount, or promo code etc before they buy a product. 

Coupon Code sites and even blog posts are very common for this. For example if you find a product that has an affiliate program attached, you can create a blog post after signing up to the affiliate program and post about it leaving your affiliate link in the post that way you get commission for the sale.


If you are familiar with launches or even products that you want others to buy and offer your own bonus as an incentive to buyers you can make good sales this way because during launches especially people are using the name of the launch with the word bonus when searching in Google. 

Of course you need to have your own bonus you can offer as part of the whole package, as an example recently the Magic Bullet System was released and because the course was not cheap, people are searching around for a bonus deal before they buy, so again using this keyword in your blog post title is extremely effective.

Final conclusion

All this is well and good but if you are not reaching 1st page in Google for your blog post titles using these keywords and your product your promoting then you are not goign to get buyers reaching your page, because remember they are specifically using these words when they buy online and are using Google to search.


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